Saturday, March 12, 2011

culture jamming

To start off our next project, Culture Jamming, we were assigned to read Mark Dery's article, "Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of Signs." (A bit long winded but I love the title-- don't you?)  

Here is the anticipated question (questions, in my case...) that I need to post to incite a class discussion: Do you agree with Dery that even with the so-called "information explosion," society has been regressing into ignorance like never before? Do you see yourself as a part of this ignorant population? If not, what has made you/your situation different from everyone who is included in this group?

Long before we were assigned this Culture Jamming project, I watched a documentary on the culture jammer Ron English called Popaganda: The Life and Crimes of Ron English. It didn't necessarily open my eyes to anything new, as I am non-white and from a lower class background, but it was a great validating feeling to see subversive stuff going on... especially by guys like Ron English who aren't afraid to go to jail--just as long as they get to do their thing. I think it's quite noble. That's a lot more than I can say for myself. Sometimes I have very leftist ideas about corporations, culture, the economy... then when I am confronted by actually doing something about it, I fear that what I have will be taken from me. Kind of a cop out, I know. But I'm sure I'm very American in that way...

And since I go here a lot... I thought I would do my project on the Starbucks logo. Starbucks is on the fence about being about free trade, being hip, targeted at youth and culture. Then again, they have consistent products, a strong corporate identity, great customer service... and their cafes are usually fairly clean, relaxing places to hang out with a friend, read a book or do some homework. Here is how the company designed their logo concept:

Below are the different changes to the Starbucks logo over the years:
This is the Starbucks logo I am going to rework somehow:

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